Design + Consulting Studio


Posts tagged ashley redmond interior design
15 Tips to Revamp Your Room on Redfin
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So yes, we are all spending a lot of time at home these days, and maybe our bedrooms have become our multi purpose office/ yoga space/ netflix binging location?!

Well it might be the perfect time to make some easy changes to revamp your bedroom for a quick upgrade. Head over to the Redfin blog to read some of my tips on how to take your bedroom escape to the next level with just a few fixes. Lots of great tips here!


Creativity in Captivity
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We are living through some strange times. The waves of change every day seem more poignant then they do during most other times. Not much else to do, but ride them and see where we go. I have been thinking a lot about creativity during this time- as a creative, as an entrepreneur, as a business owner. How do we stay motivated to create in times that we may not find to be overly inspiring. 

Inspiration in general is a question I am asked about often, how do I find inspiration and how do I stay inspired. During “normal times” I would give my usual answer of travel, books, fashion. Travel always being the first. I feel most inspired in new lands, with new smells, unexpected vistas, researching local traditions and customs and architecture. So how to maintain or reach for this same level of inspiration when we are unable to travel? When we are “sheltered in place” for long periods and still desiring to create but may feel stuck. What wells do we draw on to keep this flow moving? 

I have found that some people are feeling less creative while others have creativity in abundance during this time. For me I feel the ebb and flow (as is my usual nature) strongly. I move back and forth between feeling wholly inspired to produce, to make, to get things out of my mind to just wanting to be in the moment and sitting deeply Into my presence, but even in those times ideas seem to come and internally scream at me to be released through some creative form.  

So how to move above the chaos of the times that we are living in and cultivate the deeply human need that we all have to create? 

Look with fresh eyes

This may be the most difficult thing to try. My boyfriend and I kept talking about how everyday can feel like Groundhog Day. So how can we take this experience of being in the same four walls, walking the same outdoor paths (if you are lucky enough to have outdoor paths)  and meandering the same streets for days on end but look with fresh eyes? I have found that working in a new spot in the house, sitting in a different place in my yard or looking at a new view on my morning runs can elicit an entirely new set of emotions and inspirations. Its the same reason that travel inspires us so much, seeing a new perspective triggers the flame of creation inside us, jolts a memory, a desire and can be the jumping off point for a project. 

Realizing that everyday is a new opportunity 

There a Buddhist prayer on mindfulness that I read every morning before my meditation it begins with the following lines

Waking up this morning I smile

I have twenty-four hours to live 

I vow to live them deeply 

It is a reminder to yourself that although we are living in this usual space of time it is also an immense gift and we have the opportunity to do anything we want with the time. Although the feelings of “Groundhog Day” may persist, reminding yourself that this day is a gift is a great way to stay on course and remain motivated to create the best work that you can and make the most of this twenty four hours. Each day we have the opportunity to create beauty through our work, through our actions and through our words. 

Being comfortable with change/ Being resilient in the face of unknown 

The only constant is change and in this time more than any that we have lived through is a reminder that that is so. I find being present now more than ever instead of looking back or looking forward helps me to stay grounded in my space as a creative. At my core that is what I am and that is the place that I draw my strength, solve problems and create meaning. Staying present and being comfortable with whatever the future may hold allows more space for creativity to grow. Worrying about what you can’t control only diminishes your creative powers and puts energy into a space that doesn’t help you, your clients or your business. 

Finding rituals that feed creativity

This is about tapping into your inner knowing and going forth with a curious mind if you are not yet sure what rituals feed your creative energy. Its different for everybody, but for me moving my body early in the morning is where a lot of my creative ideas flow. Many times I will stop in the middle of my run at dawn and sit on the side of the road typing out ideas that are flowing in my mind into my phone. Getting centered and clear during my morning meditation allows space for ideas to thrive. Having clear “On” and “Off” times are also important elements for me to feed my creativity. I need space of quiet and non creation for the ideas to form and grow and then clear time to turn on and do the work. Setting these boundaries is vital for a creative to produce. Being in tuned with when ideas come to you will help to carve out time for these rituals and is especially important during these turbulent times. Prioritizing these rituals will help cultivate creativity as well as giving additional structure to your days. 

Being open for creativity to strike

Its vital that we see and follow the flow of creativity when it comes. One of my favorite books on creative living is Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic” she speaks eloquently at length about being a receptive vessel for creative ideas. Pick up the book, she will explain it better than I can. But basically the idea that we have to make being creative a priority in our lives and be open enough to receive that which is calling to inspire us. During this time its important not to be sidetracked by outside noise that can throw us off course emotionally and closes us off to creative opportunity that may strike. Being purposeful in being open to what may be trying to speak to you is incredibly difficult right now with so much going on externally, but vital if we want to continue that which we do. 

What you surrounds yourself with effects your creative potential 

Its vital that we are informed citizens. Closing your eyes to the plight of the world, to your neighbors and your community is a disservice to yourself and your potential impact. However inundating yourself with non stop news, social media and creating an information overload cycle only keeps you focused on the unknown potential future and allows you to avoid your current reality (and trust me this is coming from a news junkie ). Limit your media intake- maybe check it out in the morning and the evening- but then focus on the present. Be conscious of your current space and how you can create a space of positivity, productivity and creativity. Consider this with the people you surround yourself with (on zoom or through social distancing of course) as well. Yes, things are crazy and turbulent, but only focusing on the negative aspects and the what-ifs will do little to help you push through into a place of inspiration and creation. 

Energy creates energy

This has been my mantra in life for many years, but it seems especially true these days. Whatever energy you put into the world it will come back to you. Running hard and fast, makes you want to continue to run hard and fast. Creating every day will make you want to create every day. Waking up early makes you want to continue waking up early. Find your energy center and continue to feed that place to create that which you desire. Energy creates energy. 

Modern Farmhouse Magazine
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So exciting! Check out the latest issue of Modern Farmhouse on stands now to see the stunning 6 page spread of a beautiful kitchen remodel that we contributed to. The truth is great designs are usually due to a great home owner and this project was no exception. This project came out so beautifully because Lisa has amazing personal style and had a very clear vision of what she wanted for her home and it is truly a reflection of her. 

This particular project was so awesome because so many talented people were part of it! See all the details here

Natural Vibes
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planter, stool, armchair, rug, peacock sofa, umbrella, bathing beauty 

Warmer weather and my last house project to complete (my deck!) has me thinking about natural colors and textures. I love playing with the natural landscape as inspiration and pulling from it to create the color palette for my designs. 

People often thing that going monochromatic is boring or flat, but by mixing texture and material you can really create an interesting mix that is very appealing to the eye. I am playing with the idea of this 70's peacock sofa, rattan chair and natural turkish rug for my outdoor patio... 

BTW the armchair and the stool are steal of the century from Target

Stay in Style
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Well its been awhile since I've frequented this space! If you follow along instagram you know I have been permanently posted between airports and various cities around the world #designlife. Excited to share a little interview that Society6 was kind enough to do with me a few months back about our design philosophy and how we approach all these beautiful spaces for Sonder. You can read the whole article here . 

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Stylin' in NOLA

Whoa its been a whirlwind and I'm just catching my breath before we keep on rollin. Spent all of last week in beautiful New Orleans working on one of our newest Sonder properties and as usual I had a blast exploring the city and designing on the fly. Nothing like arriving to a new city with a photo shoot scheduled and working under the gun to make it happen! 

First things first- painting and setting the stage. Luckily I had a great group of locals to show me all the spots to find the accessories we needed to add the perfect NOLA flavor to our units. And install! 

I had a blast sorting through vintage shops looking for cool finds- old coffee bags, found bottles, and amazing street photographs were some of my favorites that I took home with me.

Then its time to shoot- one of my favorite things! I always say no matter how great your work is, if you are not working with a stellar photographer it will never shine! Luckily we were able to get the amazing Jacqueline Marque to shoot for us, and I had so much fun collaborating with her and can't wait to do it again! 

And voila! Sonder's are ready for you if you are heading down to NOLA anytime soon!